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Register to Vote in Texas


We've compiled helpful information to make it easier for you to take the next step in getting registered and answer some of your questions.

Who Can Register to Vote in Texas?


To register to vote you must:


  1. Be 18 years or older on election day,

  2. Be a United States citizen,

  3. Be a resident of the county where the application is submitted,

  4. Not be finally convicted of a felony or, if so, have completed the terms of the jail sentence, probation or parole, and

  5. Have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.


How Do I Register to Vote in Texas?


1. Fill out an application at your County Elections office. Most are open M-F 8:00AM-4:30PM. Your county office's address and phone number can be found here


2. Download, print, and mail in an application. You can fill out the application online here, but it must be printed, signed, and returned.


3. Request an application be sent to you by calling your county elections office or filling out an online form here. Once requested, you will be sent an application that includes postage.


4. While obtaining, renewing, or updating your Texas Driver's License or State ID. When filling out paperwork for your DL/ID, check the box asking if you'd like to register to vote. If you already have a Texas DL/ID, you can update it online.


5. Pick up an application from any public library. They cannot accept the application but will provide you with one that includes postage. Many counties also give out applications at tax offices, but this is not guaranteed. 


6. Fill out an application with a VDVR. VDVRs (or Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrars) are people who have been trained and certified by the county to register people to vote. You may see them at parades, festivals, or other events. VDVRs are required by law to return your application to the county office within 5 days of receiving it and will give you a receipt upon taking your application.


NOTE: If you are currently registered in your county but need to update your address, that can be done online here.


Do I Need a TX Identification Card to Register to Vote?


No, you can register using the last four digits of your SSN. However, in order to vote you must bring an accepted form of ID.


Can I Fill Out an Application For Someone Else?


Yes, with limits. You can fill out an application on behalf of your legal spouse, parent, or child with permission from the individual.


How Late Can I Register to Vote?


You must be registered to vote at least 30 days before an election to be eligible to vote. The deadline for the May 6th election is April 6th.


How Do I Know If I'm Registered?


You can check your registration here.


What Happens After I Turn In My Registration Application?


Once your application has been approved you will be mailed a Voter Registration Certificate. This is a 4x6 postcard with your information and voting information. You should receive it 2-4 weeks after turning in your application. If for any reason your application is not approved, you will be mailed a letter explaining why it was denied.





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